Why I kept a Nazarite Vow.

Why I kept a Nazarite Vow.

Dear humans

I have come to a dear conclusion, until one studies oneself one can not truly grasp any book or experience hence I shall introduce you to the Nazarite vow.

As you probably know from my writings now I am not a man of religion but rather a man of study and experience. however, I do have a knack for studying religions finding interesting views on them and testing out the claims from time to time. During a turbulent time when I was suffering from smoking cigarettes too much I wanted to quit and tried many methods but could not, at that time I found the Nazarite vow as a way of escaping my addiction and following through to a commitment for over 5 years.

A Nazarite vow is an Old Testament teaching presented in the story of Samson and as a ritual offering to the lord. it involves the following rules to follow

* Abstain from wine and all other grape products, such as vinegar and grapes
* Refrain from cutting the hair on his head[4]
* Not to become ritually impure by contact with corpses or graves, even those of family members.

I will list various experiences I have had with this vow


* The freedom from following hair fashion.
* The feeling of achieving a goal which only yourself can accomplish, nobody else can do it for you or feel it or function with it.
* Can braid your hair up and be stylish about it.
* Being set apart as a way to be free from social aspects as you already previewed as away from the rest.


* Constant ridicule by judgmental morons who only focus on the superficial level of life.
* Maintaining it when it’s very long and needs constant looking after almost like a pet.
* hair can get messy at weird times and needs constant help with avoiding the aspect of it all.


* Developing a certain power to withstand negative comments and constant threats by others.
* Build up willpower and consistency.
* Developing tolerance towards superficial individuals.
* Old Testament teaching put into practice.
* Keeping long hair is found also in Sikhism.
* The Quran does not speak of Samson / Nazirite vows / Hair growing or cutting. However, there is a verse on Haroon having a beard.


* Nazarite how is based on the Old Testament teaching which involves other aspects to to it as listed above, the aspects of not drinking wine and graves as such which for me did not matter as I didn’t drink wine or visit graves during the process as it is.
* The cutting of the last offering is to be made in a temple but the temple does not exist anymore so one cannot complete the ancient ritual at all.
* I wonder how it would affect a woman if she already keeps her hair long as they do now and men keep their hair shorter as usual, would it make a difference because of the intention at all?
* Moses himself in the Old Testament was not considered a Nazarite, however did receive the laws of how to accommodate the Nazarites.

Ultimately I believe that putting my mind to focusing on something else rather than the root of the addiction made me slowly distance myself from it in a way, The vow itself will test your patience and willpower very deeply as it shall manifest as an internal struggle.

I would recommend it to anybody who wishes to build their strength again to reconnect with themselves and even try an build a constant relationship with a higher power.


Afzal: servant of the god almighty



Photo by Matt Sings on Unsplash

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